Can you taste the difference between a cup of organic coffee and a cup made from conventionally grown beans? As organic products become more popular, questions like this become more common. On the outside, there’s only one difference between organic and conventionally grown coffee; the price. Organic products are generally far more expensive, but are they really worth the extra money?

How I s Organic Coffee Grown?

Conventionally, coffee is grown using synthetic fertilizers and chemicals, including pesticides and herbicides , and is planted in full, direct sunlight . This helps it to grow more quickly , produces more coffee beans per plant, and allows more plants to be grown in a given area.

To receive organic certification, a farmer’s fertilizer must be 100% organic. Not 90%, not 99%; 100%. The most common organic fertilizers are coffee pulp, compost, and manure. It doesn’t exactly sound pleasant, but they’re far less toxic than any of the chemicals used to grow coffee conventionally . Organic coffee prefers the shade to the sun, meaning less coffee can be grown in a given area due to other plants and trees getting in the way.

Does Organic Coffee Taste Better?

Yes, it’s true; most people believe that organic coffee tastes better than conventional coffee. However, the difference is subtle. Some describe the taste as being cleaning than regular coffee, while others swear that it’s smoother. But the only way to know for sure is to taste each kind for yourself!

Is Organic Coffee Better for You?

First, let’s get one thing straight – organic does not automatically mean nutritious . Both organic and conventionally grown coffee have the same health benefits. Instead, t he real debate is over health risk – many people believe that the pesticides used to grow conventional coffee beans are toxic to human health, while others argue that most of those chemicals disappear during the roasting process. While there’s no evidence that drinking conventional coffee can kill you, people choose organic to be on the safe side.

Is Organic Coffee Sustainable?

Compared to conventional coffee that uses pesticides and other chemicals, organic coffee is far more environmentally sustainable and leaves a smaller carbon footprint . To receive organic certification, farmers must have a crop rotation plan in place to prevent soil erosion. Plus, unlike conventional coffee beans that are grown in direct sunlight, organic coffee is grown in the shade, allowing the surrounding ecosystems to remain largely untouched.

But while organic coffee is better for the environment, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’ s fair trade , or fair to the farmers who grow it . So , while it might be environmentally sustainable, it may not be socially sustainable; look for coffee that is both organic and approved by the FLO (Fair Trade International).

Is Buying Organic Worth the Cost?

It tastes better, it’s better for you, and it’s better for the environment; why isn’t everyone drinking organic coffee? Unfortunately, organic products are expensive, and for a lot of people, the benefits don’t justify the cost . But if you’re passionate about environmental stability and great tasting coffee, you’ll find it to be well worth your money.

Want to taste the difference for yourself? Then you’re going to need a coffee maker , and what better place to get one than Corporate Coffee Systems? No matter what type of coffee you prefer, our commercial coffee machines can bring out its full flavor potential.