Exploring Why Not Having Your Office Coffee Might Be Making You Feel Sick

Coffee. When prepared just right, it is a warm, comforting drink for many. Made from expertly roasted coffee beans, coffee is native to many tropical climates, including Africa and South America. Coffee dates all the way back to the 15th century, where it was thought to have originated in Ethiopia. As an office coffee vendor in New York, we at Corporate Coffee Systems have been proudly serving large and small scale businesses in Long Island, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, and beyond. Needless to say, we’ve seen what a lot of people are like before they had their morning coffee. But did you know that there is actually a scientific reason behind why some people get headaches or feel unable to function without that cup of Joe?

Coffee: It’s About The Caffeine

Caffeine is a naturally occurring stimulant most commonly found in tea, coffee, and cacao plants. Caffeine stimulates the brain and central nervous system by helping the human body to stay alert and prevent fatigue. Even though caffeine is found in a variety of sources, coffee gets the worst wrap for its caffeine content. Many sources claim that it increases the risk of cardiovascular problems. In fact, many experts argue that there are negative health effects to be expected from consuming large amounts of coffee and other caffeinated beverages. But more recent studies have shown that moderate levels of caffeine may be beneficial in preventing the development of type 2 diabetes. But what can’t be denied are the claims that those who drink coffee on a regular basis experience extreme levels of fatigue and even neurological problems like headaches when they stop consuming caffeine.

How Much Caffeine is Unhealthy

Of course, lighter roasted brews contain lesser amounts of caffeine compared to dark roast options. The average cup of coffee in the US and UK contains 95 mg of caffeine per serving. A single espresso shot contains about 63 mg of caffeine by comparison. And instant coffee contains far less caffeine than brewed options at an average of 30-90 mg per cup depending on brew.

Caffeine has become a part of the daily food and beverage intake for most people, whether it comes from coffee, tea, soda, or sugary treats and cacao products. While consuming coffee isn’t something that has been proven detrimental to human health, it is important to monitor your caffeine intake.

For those who frequently consume multiple caffeinated beverages in a day, stopping the habit may be harder than anticipated. Cutting back on your caffeine intake can lead to caffeine withdrawal symptoms if your body has become used to the extra neurological stimulation. This can lead to feelings of advanced fatigue and headaches.

Caffeine, Coffee, and Your Health

There is overwhelming scientific evidence that coffee isn’t getting properly represented in this day and age. There are a myriad of health benefits to drinking coffee in small amounts, thanks to the antioxidants in coffee beans. Research shows, caffeine may help protect human brain cells, which lowers the risk of developing some diseases like Parkinson’s. Caffeine provides no nutritional value on its own. It’s tasteless, so one does not necessarily know if it’s in your food either. Even some medications may contain caffeine without your knowledge. The more Caffeine is consumed on a daily basis the more the body develops tolerance for it.

See The Benefits of Coffee In The Office

If you, like many Americans, need to get your cup of coffee before you feel like a functional member of society, consider integrating your morning coffee experience into your office culture. Check out the office beverage solutions available from Corporate Coffee Systems at http://www.corpcofe.com/equipment/.




Corporate Coffee Systems

148 West 37th Street – 5th floor

New York, NY 10018

(800) 284-2677


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