Have you ever wondered how the products you choose impact the environment? Getting familiar with the many details can be overwhelming for anyone. Private organizations have formed to educate consumers and help improve environmental standards. Companies who produce consumer goods need to consider the entire environmental impact of their products; from the farming of raw materials, product distribution, and consumer disposal. Every product that is purchased may have an adverse environmental, and social impact during its lifecycle.

Knowledge Is Power

Some of the organizations that certify consumer products for their environmental friendliness include Energy Star, Fair Trade USA, Rainforest Alliance, The Forest Stewardship Council, and The Green Electronics Council. Each of these organizations require that environmental and social standards are met, and perform audits regularly. Buying sustainable products supports companies who are committed to recycling, energy efficiency, reducing pollution, and product biodegradability. Get to know ecolabels found on products in the U.S by visiting the Ecolabel index, it’s the largest directory of detailed ecolabel information.

Supporting the continued development of sustainable products will elevate responsible consumer consumption. Living sustainably will lower your carbon footprint and improve the entire supply chain by reducing energy use, protecting valuable ecosystems, and reducing pollution. You can become an advocate for sustainability by making responsible choices in the products you choose for yourself and your family.

  1. Avoid products with excessive packaging.
  2. Buy products with certified Eco-labels.
  3. Use products made from recycled materials.
  4. Buy environmentally friendly cleaners.
  5. Use products that are biodegradable.
  6. Buy products that use less water.
  7. Buy products that reduce energy consumption.

Share the positive aspects of sustainability with your friends, coworkers, and family members. By educating one another, and changing our buying habits, we’re ensuring important environmental standards are met by manufacturers. It’s a green lifestyle that will create a cleaner planet for everyone to enjoy.

Corporate Coffee Systems offers many sustainable refreshment solutions for your office, for more information visit our website or contact us for more information.