New York City Beverage Vending | Summer Break Room Refreshments | Iced Coffee
The sun is shining, the temperatures are rising, and summer is right around the corner! There is no better time to upgrade your New York City office space — starting with your break room. Bring in some feel-good summer vibes. If you’re not sure where to start, don’t worry! We’ve got you covered. At Corporate Coffee Systems, we’ll work with you to create customized refreshment services that fit the needs of your employees and your business.

From micro-market essentials to delicious office coffee, we’ll help you provide an excellent break room experience for your team. So, are you ready for a summer break room boost? Here are a few simple yet effective ways to improve your break room for the season.

Add Cold Brew to Your New York City Coffee Service

What’s summer without cold brew to cool you off? Whether it’s a special cold brew tap in your break room or cold brew cans in the micro-market, it’s a perfect hot weather beverage. Rather than regular coffee over ice, cold brew requires a more intentional process of steeping coffee grounds in water at cool temperatures for an extended period. It’s special. And employees will appreciate you going the extra mile with this type of cool caffeinated beverage!

Invest in That Office Ice Maker in Time for Summer

New York City Micro-Market | Office Coffee Service | Summer Cold BrewSummer is a great time to get an ice maker for the office. It’s the perfect way to enhance your beverage offerings, as it will allow employees to opt for iced coffee and iced tea on hot days. They can also easily add ice to their reusable water bottles for an extra cold and refreshing hydration break. Plus, ice machines are more sanitary than ice cube trays and they produce more ice. As you can see, this is a great addition that can enhance employee wellness and satisfaction this summer.

Look for Tasty Summer Beverage Flavors

Ready to take your New York City office coffee service to the next level? Ask us about single-serve Cold Water Infusions by Twinings. They’re a quick and healthy way to liven up your water. We also offer a variety of beloved summer drink options through New York City break room services, such as lemonade and fruit juices. This is the perfect opportunity to promote healthy drinks. After all, summer is a time when everyone is thinking more about their overall health and fitness.

Upgrade Your New York City Break Room This Summer!

Give employees the break room essentials they’ll love this season. Contact Corporate Coffee Systems at (800) 284-CORP or for more information about our micro-market, office coffee, or water filtration services. We look forward to working with you!