March 2022


Dear Valued Client:


As a result of market conditions and the conflict in Europe, the extreme volatility in oil futures has significantly increased the price of a gallon of gas at the pump to historic highs.  Nationally, the average cost of fuel is 25% higher than just 4 weeks ago in early February, far eclipsing the overall 7% inflation rate.

Shipping companies around the world and here at home are experiencing unprecedented surges in all expenses associated with trucking.  It is always a difficult conversation for us to have when our costs are impacted.  Corporate Coffee Systems works endlessly to mitigate fluctuations when we can; however, we are forced to impose a fuel surcharge of $5.95 on all invoices, effective Monday, March 21.

While we certainly can understand the concerns you may have of paying a higher price for your break-room and office supply deliveries, please remember we will never sacrifice the quality and value of our exceptional service.  Every member of our team continues to be very passionate about delivering an experience that Fuels Great Work.

Please reach out to us with any questions or comments you may have.  You can e-mail us at, or call 800.284.CORP.


Corporate Coffee Systems