If you’re looking for a new coffee machine for the office, have you considered a bean to cup machine? If you’ve never heard of them, bean to cup office coffee machines are exactly what they sound like; whole coffee beans go in, fresh coffee comes out. No plastic pods, no filter paper, n o grounds all over the counter, just beans and hot water. As simple as they sound, these coffee vending machines come with a whole host of benefits.

Amazing Flavor Every Time

Quality is easily the best reason to invest in a bean to cu p coffee machine for the office. There’s truly nothing better, fresher, or smoother than a cup of coffee brewed from whole beans.

That’s because coffee bean oil is packed with flavor and aroma, and grinding the beans causes that oil to evaporate more quickly, leaving you to make your coffee with grounds that have become dry and bitter from sitting on a store shelf for months. Because bean to cup commercial coffee machines brew immediately aft er grinding, none of that sweet, rich flavor is lost.

Sleek and Simple

M ost offices stick with pods and ground coffee because they’re easy to use. Whole beans are generally seen as a hassle; who has time to grind coffee, anyway? But a bean to cup commercial coffee machin e does all of the work for you, and most of today’s models come with a built in touch-screen for easy selection. Plus, their sleek design looks great on any break room countertop. What more could you want out of a coffee vending machine?

Financially Smart

While they tend to have a higher up front cost than traditional commercial coffee machines, a bean to cup coffee maker can still help you r company save money in the long run. Employe es will save money on expensive barista-made coffees, and employers will benefit from the boost in productivity a nd overall workplace happiness that comes with great tasting coffee.


Once you’ve taken your first sip of coffee brewed from whole beans, you’ll never want to go back to grounds again. But if for some reason you do need to use grounds (maybe you ran out of whole beans ! ), bean to cup machines ar e also ground-compatible.

Environmentally Friendly

Because they eliminate the need for paper filters and plastic cups, bean to cup machines are more environmentally friendly than most other commercial coffee machines. You can make your morning cup of coffee even more sustainable by brewi ng it from organic whole beans.

Flexibly Priced

As luxurious as it sounds, freshly ground and brewed whole bean coffee isn’t a treat for the super wealthy. The price of a bean to cup coffee vending machine can vary wildly from model to model , with prices as low as $200 and as high as several thousand dollars. While they all perform the same basic function, the more expensive coffee vending machines just come with more bells and whistles such as Wi-Fi connectivity and direct water line plumbing.

Want to make freshly brewed coffee a part of your daily work routine? Then check out the selection of bean to cup coffee machines from Corporate Coffee Systems. In addition to offering the latest commercial coffee machine models at the most reasonable prices, we can handle all of your other break room needs including snacks, drinks, creamers , and sweeteners .